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[연구논문] 체벵(Čeveng)의 『몽골 소수민족지』 역주∙4(完) ― 알타이 오량하이, 하삭, 함니간 ―

  • 작성자관리자

    작성일2024-02-15 11:42:30


체벵(Čeveng)의 『몽골 소수민족지』 역주∙4(完) ― 알타이 오량하이, 하삭, 함니간 ― 

◎ 저자명: 김장구(HK연구교수)

◎ 학술지: 중앙아시아연구 제28호 제2권

◎ 발행처: 중앙아시아학회

◎ 간행일: 2023.12.29

This article provides an annotated translation of the final part, ‘The Uriyangqai of the Altai, the Qasaγ, and the Qamniγan,’ from Čeveng’s Ethnography of Mongolian Minorities.

The Uriyangqai of the Altai dwell along the slopes of the Altai Range. The region is rich in various animals, fish, and mineral resources, including gold. After gaining independence in 1911, the Uriyangqai came under the rule of the Mongolian nation. Following the establishment of the Mongolian People’s Government, they came to be administered by the aimag of Qobdu. Formerly using Todu script, they have recently been using only the Mongolian script. As for the present, the Uriyangqai of the Altai, raising cattle by transhumance, are able to live in prosperity. Those among them who live by the sources of the Bulγan River engage in farming.

As for the origin of the Qasaγ, they belong to groups of Turkic extraction. With regard to their language, history and customs, they are not very different from the Qasaγ of Kazakhstan within the USSR. In their religious observances they follow Muhammad’s doctrine (i. e., Islam). Until recently they have been using the Arabic script.

As for the reason why, at the beginning, they came up to this (=northern) side of the Altai, it is that they must have come in search of a spacious pastures because it became impossible to live on the other (=southern) side. They raise livestock during transhumance and live in felt yurts(isegei).

The Yerüge River serves as the central living place for the Qamniγan. They travelled for thirty years from the Altai to the Yerüge. Because at present the Qamniγan dwell among the multitude of Mongols, they have forgotten their native language while adopting the Qalqa Mongolian language.

Owing to their keen intelligence and quick understanding, the Qamniγan have recently managed to find work such as transporting firewood to the mine, or doing mining work. In general, the present-day Qamniγan live in Monglian felt yurts(isegei). Because of the predominance of animal husbandry, they cut grass for hay. They are neither very rich nor are they paupers. Their standard of living is uniformly average. As for their physique, it looks as if they have bodies that are stronger and sturdier than those of either Mongols or Buriyad.