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[연구논문] 17세기 福建-루손 교역과 외부 상인의 개입― 1603년 機易山 사건을 중심으로 ―

  • 작성자관리자

    작성일2024-02-15 11:32:05


17세기 福建-루손 교역과 외부 상인의 개입― 1603년 機易山 사건을 중심으로 ― 

◎ 저자명: 남민구(HK연구교수)

◎ 학술지: 이화사학연구 제67집

◎ 발행처: 이화여자대학교 이화사학연구소

◎ 간행일: 2023.12.11

In 1602, Zhang Yi(張嶷), a merchant from Quanzhou(泉州), Fujian(福建), accompanied by the other merchants, one of which was Zhou Qing(周慶) from Zhejiang(浙江), planned to occupy Luzón Island. Their goal was to build in the island the base of commercial network controlled by them, so that they could be dominate the trade between Fujian and Luzon. Their supporter was Yan Yinglong(閻應隆), an officer of the Left Post of Yulin(羽林左衛), who succeeded to persuade Wanli Emperor(萬曆帝) to dispatch an embassy to Luzon, in the name of detecting gold and silver mines in the island. At the back of this project was Gao Cai(高寀), an eunuch in Fujian province in charge of levying shipping taxes to all ships entering the Yuegang(月港) port in Haicheng county(海澄縣).