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[연구논문] 임경준, 明初 三萬衛 소속 주션인 軍官의 존재형태 — 開原事變과 그 관계자를 중심으로 —

  • 작성자관리자

    작성일2022-03-04 16:40:22


明初 三萬衛 소속 주션인 軍官의 존재형태 — 開原事變과 그 관계자를 중심으로 —

◎ 저자명: 임경준(HK연구교수)

◎ 학술지: 사림 제76호

◎ 발행처: 수선사학회

◎ 간행일: 2021.04.30 

The purpose of this article is to analyze the genealogy and activities of Jurchen military officers involved in the Kaiyuan Incident that occurred in the early 15th century, in order to clarify the state of Sanwan-wei in the early Ming dynasty. At the Kaiyuan Incident, which was triggered directly by the abuse of senior officers, the actions taken by Jurchen military officers belonging to Sanwan-wei were the opposite.

The behavioral pattern can be divided into two groups. One group revolted directly against their senior officials' abuse. On the contrary, there was another group that tried to take sides with Ming and control the rebellion. Both were similar in that they descended from Jurchen, but their actions at Kaiyuan Incident were in contrast.

In order to examine the reasons for these different behaviors, I used the ‘Sanwan-weixuanbu’ which contains information such as succession, change, appointment and dismissal, promotion and demotion of the military officers belonging to the Sanwan-wei. Then, I tried to reconstruct the genealogy and behavior pattern of the persons related to the Kaiyuan Incident using this historical material.

As a result, it became clear that two groups with different backgrounds coexisted in Sanwan-wei at that time. In other words, Sanwan-Wei in the early Ming period had a group of senior members who managed other Jurchen peoples while cooperating with the Ming dynasty, while on the other hand, there was a group of newcomers who were managed. In short, it can be said that the rule of the Ming dynasty over Sanwan-wei was realized through the group negotiating with the Ming dynasty and Jurchen.