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[연구논문] 임경준, 담배 태우는 만주인들 ― 淸初 만주인의 담배문화와 烟禁令 ―

  • 작성자관리자

    작성일2022-03-09 15:34:22


담배 태우는 만주인들 ― 淸初 만주인의 담배문화와 烟禁令 ―

◎ 저자명: 임경준(HK연구교수) 

◎ 학술지: 명청사연구 제55집

◎ 발행처: 명청사학회

◎ 간행일: 2022.04.30

The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of tobacco introduced to the Qing dynasty at the 17 century. Tobacco, which was introduced to eastern Eurasia through the Spanish galleon trade, eventually spread to Manchuria and became the most popular item among the Manchus. Previous studies have established the view that the time of tobacco introduction to Manchuria is after 1627. On the other hand, this paper presents the possibility of raising the time of tobacco propagation to 1625 by making full use of the historical materials of Qing dynasty and Joseon dynasty at the same time.

Tobacco, which was introduced to Manchuria, quickly became an essential luxury item in the daily lives of Manchus. It is thought that Manju people used tobacco for three purposes. First of all, tobacco was given as a prize in horse racing competitions which also served as military training, and it was used as an imperial gift given by the emperor. Tobacco was then used as a gift in a policy to include the Mongolian leader. Finally, it was confirmed that tobacco was being used like money.

Hong Taiji used tobacco politically and distributed the prohibition on smoking for financial reasons and to prevent fires in an attempt to curb the use of tobacco by Manchus. The background of this policy was the financial pressure of tobacco, which was not self-sufficient and had to depend on imports from the Joseon Dynasty. At the same time, it seems to have included a practical intention to prevent smokers from misfiring and causing fires when they lit their tobacco. In addition, this paper points out that Hong Taiji tried to position the Imperial family as a privileged class by limiting the smoking range to the Imperial family, but as a result, it failed.