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[연구논문] 김성규·김영목, 《레버넌트: 죽음에서 돌아온 자》를 통해 본 모피의 신화·문화적 상징과 의미

  • 작성자관리자

    작성일2022-03-09 15:17:18


《레버넌트: 죽음에서 돌아온 자》를 통해 본 모피의 신화·문화적 상징과 의미

◎ 저자명: 김성규(HK교수/주저자)·김영목

◎ 학술지: 현대영어영문학 제66권 1호

◎ 발행처: 한국현대영어영문학회

◎ 간행일: 2022.02.28

Since hundreds and thousands years ago, people have gotten furs from animals in order to survive from harsh environment at first. Time goes by, the acts of survive gradually becomes for fulfilling maniac desire of possession not just for surviving like primary era. Several countries such as England, France, Spain, Netherlands, etc. in the middle age slashed animals for their furs in order to make bloody money. These European countries crossed the Atlantic to conquer the American continent in search of fur, and in the process, bloody clashes, including Beaver Wars, broke out. Fur, which was once acquired for the desire to survive, turned into madness to money and it caused violent clashes between humans around the world. The chief aim of this paper is to reveal the mythic and cultural meaning of fur with its symbolic images in Alejandro González Iñárritu’s The Revenant. The film shows various kinds of symbolic meanings of fur with its vengeance storytelling and the wars that really happened in history. I would like to find each meaning of certain furs out and I also will reveal how the furs relates to the mythical elements of heroes born in terms of death and resurrection in The Revenant..