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Research achievement

[연구논문] 최원재, 디지털 데이터 내러티브: 문학, ‘수선화 시인들’

  • 작성자관리자

    작성일2022-03-06 21:48:31


디지털 데이터 내러티브: 문학, ‘수선화 시인들’

◎ 저자명: 최원재(HK연구교수) 

◎ 학술지: 동서비교문학저널 제58호

◎ 발행처: 한국동서비교문학학회

◎ 간행일: 2021.12.31

Unfortunately literature does not seem to be welcomed in the digital era. Ironically, however, digital literature works are popular in the digital world. Now, we need to think of the role of literature in this understandable or ununderstandable situation. A big question is ‘Why do We study literature?’We ask ourselves whether there is any way to improve digital data literacy tracking data around an author, circumstances, and the then literature. Important is it should be fun and easy. Narrative in education can reach this goal, when applied to literature with digital data literacy. This paper presents how a birth of literal works could be digitally tracked and shows how data literacy with a game factor digitally could be made possible. It could be named Digital Data Narrative-Literature (DDNL). Comparative literature should be repositioned in that one compares literal works of East and West in a theme and digitally finds out the results as a reader and contents producer inevitably using domain knowledge as to those works. A Korean poet - Jeonghui Kim - and an English poet - William Wordsworth - used ‘Daffodils’ in their poem. The difference between two - especially in their nature of presence and placeness – was examined by a means of semantic data curation, through which one can educationally approach digital data narrative and a new angle of interpreting literal works can be provided.